Anjo Tic-Tac-Toe - free audio game for the blind. 2011-09-06 19:38.
Tic - tac - toe is a two-player, pen-and-paper game, in which each player has a sign associated: X or O. Players mark, in turn, a cell from a 3 by 3 grid with their corresponding sign. The player that manages to mark 3 adjacent cells first, whether horizontally, vertically or diagonally, is declared winner.
Anjo Tic - tac - toe allows you to play against the computer, on two difficulty levels, on 3 by 3, 5 by 5 and 7 by 7 grids. When playing in 5 by 5 or 7 by 7 grids, the purpose is to mark 5 or 7 cells, respectively, in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line.
Navigation is consistent throughout all menus: use the up and down arrows to cycle through the list of menu items and press Enter to select an option. When in a submenu, you can return to the previous menu by pressing Escape.
Main menu
The main menu is displayed upon starting the program and can be accessed during play by pressing Escape.
Two options can be chosen from the main menu:
- New game
- Exit
By choosing New game, the Difficulty menu is displayed.
Difficulty menu
This menu allows the selection of the difficulty level. The options are:
- Easy
- Difficult
After choosing either option, the Grid menu is displayed
Grid Menu
This menu allows you to choose one of the 3 predefined grid sizes:
- 3 by 3 grid
- 5 by 5 grid
- 7 by 7 grid
After choosing the desired size, the Sign menu is displayed.
Sign menu
This menu allows you to choose which letter you want to play: X or O.
Choosing either option starts the game.
Keyboard commands
Escape - shows the game menu.
Alt + F4 - exits the game.
Up, down, left, right arrows - navigate between grid cells. For each cell, the game will announce the number of the line, the number of the column and whether that position is occupied by X or O.
Space - marks the current cell with the player's sign.
P - say current position: number of line, number of column and whether it's occupied by X or O.
G - say entire grid, line by line.
C - say current column - announce whether each cell on a column is occupied and who occupies it.
L - say current column - announce whether each cell on a line is occupied and who occupies it.
O - say own cells (cells marked by the human player).
E - say enemy cells (cells marked by the computer).